The little egret its scientific name Egretta garzetta is the most widespread of egrets. It is also called "white heron".
It is an elegant bird with slender body and white plumage. His neck is long and black beak is very long.
It usually measures 25.5" and a wingspan of 34" to 41".
He has long black legs with yellow fingers. When playing 2 or 3 feathers adorn her neck and fine feathers about 8" born on his shoulders, stretch the back and fall on either side of the tail elegant plumes. These feathers called butts were once coveted by women and hatters for their ornamental value. It is this history that earned this bird the name of egret.
L'aigrette garzette est généralement silencieuse, excepté dans les colonies de nidification ou lorsqu'elle est dérangée.
The Little Egret is usually silent, except in nesting colonies or when disturbed.
Presence in Martinique
This is a bird that is rare in Martinique. She only comes to migrate during the winter before returning to the United States or Brazil, where she resides. It is found in southern Europe all around Mediterranean until SSA. The little egret is very present in France and Spain. In case of cold weather, it migrates to Africa.
The little egret feeds on small fish, frogs, lizards, worms, crustaceans, molluscs and many insects.
Protection / menace
The little egret population remains stable.