
Lettuces for sale at Fort de France marketLettuce is a genus of annual plants of the Asteraceae family, some species are grown for their tender leaves eaten as green salad. The lettuce was grown by the Egyptians for centuries BC.

Lettuce leaves were used to make oil. Later, it spread and arrived in the gardens of the Greeks and Romans. It appears in medieval writings as a medicinal plant.

From the 16th to the 18th century, many varieties are developed in Europe. Europeans introduced it in America and the Caribbean during the colonization.


LettuceThere are over one hundred species of lettuce but only three are grown in Martinique. It is :

  • Batavia lettuce: Crisp and tender, with a big yellow light or green apple green, embossed, with jagged edges, a slightly sweet taste, it was considered a summer lettuce in the 19th century and for some as a mediocre salad.
  • Butter lettuce (or greasy lettuce): With its smooth and tender leaves, or butter lettuce remains the most widespread in Europe. It has pinnate leaves with veins nested around a central axis, the heart.
  • Finally this of the "type to cut": Unlikely other lettuces, it is not apple-shaped but leaves more or less cut depending on the variety. It also grows well in open ground in a vegetable bin on the balcony.

The most cultivated species in the world is lactuca sativa.

Lettuce needs well-lossed soil, fitted with calcium and organic matter. She feared high temperatures and the jerks in irrigation. Sensitive tip burn (leaf edge burn) and Sigatoka. In the rainy season, consider cultivating preferably under glass.

It is possible to grow throughout the year. Only 4 to 5 days after seeding, it is possible to see 4-5 leaves. Harvesting is done 21 to 35 days after planting depending on the varieties and the cultivation period.

Health benefits

LettuceVery rich in water (95% of its composition), it absorbs the ground a large number of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins, especially B-group contributes to the formation of the genetic material of cells and the development of red blood cells.

Folic acid is especially useful for pregnant women. Only 100 grams of lettuce will provide 75% of the recommended daily minimum amount.

It is also one of the richest vegetables in organic silica, a mineral that plays a vital role in the assimilation and development of calcium but also in protecting the cardiovascular system, osteoporosis and antidote aluminum absorbed into the body.

Lettuce is also very rich in cellulose and chlorophyll. This has great antiseptic power in the body and helps to cleanse and nourish the blood system.

Lettuce has other virtues, in particular, to increase lactation in nursing mothers.


Lettuce saladAs everywhere, lettuce is mainly consumed in salads.
