The mandarin (Citrus reticulata) is a citrus fruit native to the region of Southeast Asia and the Philippines. It was widespread in Japan and southern China. It will have arrived in the Western world by individuals interested in certain cultivars.
Two varieties originating from Canton would have been brought to England in 1805. The cultivation of the mandarin will then be adopted throughout the Mediterranean area.
It was the European settlers who would have introduced the tangerine to America. Its introduction is located around 1850.
It spread throughout the island gradually in all its regions from north to south, from east to west. Even today you will not escape the mandarin tree garnished with fruit at the beginning of the year.
There are different varieties of mandarins classified into three cultivar classes (Mandarins, Tangerines and Satsuma). The varieties found in Martinique are Clémentine, King, Commune, Brickaville, Fairchild and Fortune.
Be careful though, the fruit that Europeans call clementine and that can be found in stores at the beginning of the year is a variety of mandarins called Owari. It is not a variety that can be found in the West Indies, so we do not speak of clementines in Martinique but exclusively of mandarins.
The size varies depending on the variety, but more commonly Martinique mandarins have a diameter of 5 to 8 cm, are spherical and slightly flattened. Mandarin is the sweetest citrus. It has many glitches. Its bark is thin, reddish-orange in color. It has ten districts.
Health benefits
As a citrus, it contains a high content of vitamin C, which helps to fight against fatigue and cold attacks. In addition, it contains carotene known to give good looks and increase the resistance of blood capillaries. It also facilitates movement without irritation.
As a citrus fruit, it contains a high content of vitamin C which helps fight against fatigue and cold attacks.
Vitamin C is known to be good for the skin. It helps to keep the skin firm and also to protect it from sun exposure. In addition, it contains carotene known to give good looks and increase the resistance of blood capillaries. It also facilitates transit without irritating it.
Mandarin has dietary fiber that can help effectively when dieting for weight loss.
In the French Antilles, mandarin will be the preferred fruit holiday season. The fruits are eaten mostly raw, juiced, in alcoholic beverages (punch, liquor).
Its bark is used in the preparation of a special shrubb that can be used in liqueur, digestif or even as an aperitif!
Elsewhere in the world, they are also used for the design of cosmetic products.
To preserve it as long as possible, do not hesitate to put it in a freezer.