
Red peppersThe pepper (Capsicum annum (like some other peppers)) is a sweet variety of a species of cultivars of the nightshade family. It is native to Mexico, Central America and South America.

Its date of introduction in Martinique is unknown. It is not known whether the pepper arrived in Martinique via the Arawaks or the Caribbean or by European settlers after French colonization. The only clue we could have is that it was already present in the Caribbean before the arrival of Christopher Columbus. Doctor Clanca, doctor of the expedition of Christopher Columbus had made a report with a plant called agi that the Indians used to season their food.

It was in the 16th century that the chili that originated from the pepper arrived in Europe following Christopher Columbus' first trip to America. It then spread in Europe but it was in the 18th century that its soft version became popular there. It has established itself around the Mediterranean where the climate is hotter and humid and suits it better.


Peppers for sale at Fort de France marketPepper is a very polymorphic species. So the cultivated varieties are innumerable. No number exists but it is very important.

In Martinique, we find the Pacific, Narval (B209), Magister, Yolo Wonder, Thétys and Titan species.

Pepper is a plant that is harvested all year round in Martinique given that we have a tropical climate. The tree has an upright habit and is more of a heavily branched shrub.

The base stems tend to lignify. The plant usually reaches 40 to 50 cm in height.

The alternate, lanceolate leaves ending in a point are shiny green. The flowers, numerous and small, are white, fused and pointed petals, 6 to 8 in number.

The fruit is a kind of berry of a particular type where the pulp is relatively thin and forms a kind of capsule surrounding a more or less voluminous placenta bearing many seeds.

On the outside, the skin is smooth and shiny and takes on a bright color (red, yellow, orange, purple, brown or even black) once it has reached maturity.

The seeds are small and flat, kidney-shaped, cream colored. Peppers are distinguished from peppers by fruits that are more or less large or fleshy and often devoid of the pungent substance, capsaicin.

Health benefits

Peppers sauceRich in antioxidants, it helps protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Its high propensity in vitamin C makes it a food that gives the body energy while being very low in calories.

Its campsites prevent cancer and slow down the multiplication of colon cancer cells.

Its capsiates help prevent cancer and slow down the multiplication of colon cancer cells. This substance also can eliminate cancer cells, making the bell pepper an anti-cancer vegetable par excellence. Red peppers are more interesting than green ones, as they contain 100% of the vitamin C we need in our daily diet.

It has been proven following a study carried out on rats that peppers made it possible to block the disruptive effect of certain molecules on the memory processes. Luteolin is thought to act by activating certain neural circuits involved in learning.

It also makes it easier to eliminate food by effectively stimulating intestinal transit.

Note that the pepper has additional virtues depending on its color.


Chopped peppersPeppers are harvested either green or ripe. It is eaten as a raw or cooked vegetable.

Cut into pieces, it is part of the composition of salads (see photo opposite).

When cooked, peppers can be used in various ways such as broiling, baking, smothering, or stuffing.

Certain varieties of peppers rich in terpenoids are used to make dyes.
