
RadishesThe radish (Raphanus sativus) also called winter radish, Chinese turnip or daikon in Japanese comes from the region of Southeast Asia and it is only in this region that scientists have found the oldest traces of wild forms of white radish. It would then have spread to India, central China and central Asia. Its trace is found in Europe for the first time during the 3rd century BC.

In the 1st century AD, Greek and Roman farmers described it in several forms: small, wide, round, light and pointed demonstrating the many varieties that were already found in Europe at the time.

White radish was one of the first crops that Europeans introduced to the Americas. It is therefore at this time that he would have arrived in Martinique and one can imagine that later it appeared in the vegetable gardens of the homes of the island.

Chinese turnips have adapted well to Martinique as they tolerate tropical climates better than those in Europe.


Radishes for sale at Fort de France marketThe varieties of turnip are very numerous but in Martinique, those which one finds are those called Longo and Danang (see photo opposite). White radishes are annual or biennial crops grown for their roots which can be globular. The root is long and can reach 60 cm long with foliage also about 60 cm high.

The flesh of timely harvested radishes is crisp and sweet but becomes bitter if the vegetable is taken too late from the ground. The leaves are arranged in a rosette. The white flowers are borne on a racemic inflorescence. The fruits are small pods that can be eaten from an early age.

Health benefits

RadishLike the radish and the turnip, of which it is part of the same cruciferous family, the white turnip has many therapeutic virtues.

White radish has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Asians prepare it in juice to fight against respiratory problems. The juice of white radish eliminates bacteria in the lungs and keeps the respiratory system healthy.

The enzymes found in white radish are similar to those found in our digestive tract. Thus, white radish allows better digestion of food, reduces constipation and detoxifies the body.

It is known to be an effective diuretic, the kidneys, more strained eliminate the many toxins present in our body.

Its antioxidants and certain bioactive compounds would reduce the risk of cancer, in particular stomach cancer. It would help to counter the development of carcinogenic substances in the body.

White radish also helps strengthen the immune system thanks to its high concentration of vitamin C by stimulating the protection of white blood cells, essential to our body.

It is also an ally of the regimes. Very low in calories but rich in calcium and fiber, it allows you to feel full quickly and durably. It aids digestion.

Finally, white radish is excellent for the skin. Asians use it as an anti-wrinkle cream in skin oils.


Preparation of soup with sliced radishesIn Martinique, the turnip is a very important part of the diet. It is used in the composition of many soups, in particular soupe de pied (traditional Martinique soup) or cut into pieces in our local sauces. It can also be eaten au gratin or in a salad. Its many medicinal properties have made it a food considered good for health. So you will often hear old people tell you that they consume it for this purpose.

Raw, white turnip has a tangy flavor. The leaves can be eaten in salads.

About 7 million tonnes of radishes of all kinds are produced each year, accounting for 2% of global vegetable production.
