Depaz Distillery

May 8, 1902, Depaz family disappears during the eruption of Mount Pelée that destroyed the city of Saint-Pierre at the same time. One family member Depaz, Victor Depaz, a young student living in Bordeaux where he studied, escapes tragedy. After graduation, Victor Depaz, orphan returned to St Pierre ruined, for Habitation Perinelle where he was born in 1886.

The symbolic date of May 8, 1917, 15 years after the eruption, Victor Depaz bought to Aurigny's family the 521 hectares of fallow of Pécou Habitation and initiates the distillery he built to grind the cane grown on the slopes of Mount Pelée.

He began the construction of the "Château Depaz" replica of the Habitation Perinelle, where he spent his childhood. He moved there with his wife and eight children in 1923. He will have eleven in all.

Rum Depaz gets its first medal at the exhibition in Marseille in 1922, in 1927 and 1931. Reputation for quality of rum Depaz builds from year to year under the leadership of Victor's son, Henri Depaz first, then in 1986 his twin brother André.

In 1989, André Depaz joins with the family group Bardinet Bordeaux, longstanding customer of Distillery Depaz, and continued with him and later with the new owner of "La Martiniquaise" the work initiated by Victor Depaz.

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