Îlet du Céron is an islet of Sainte-Luce near Anse Céron which gave it its name. It is a real ecosystem curiosity. It is a type of islet that is not widespread and which is subject to surveillance and protection by the Conservatoire du littoral.
Îlet du Céron is a bank of sediment. It has an elongated shape and rises only 2 to 5 meters above sea level. Consisting mainly of biogenic mud and sand, it covers less than 3 hectares.
It is accessible by sea and is 5 minutes from the nearest anchorage via fishermen's boats.
Three entrances allow the docking of a boat.
The vegetation consists mainly of a colluvial mangrove which occupies more than 85% of the surface of this islet. It is mainly colonized by red mangroves and then by black mangroves. Moreover, not far from this mangrove has developed a classic back-mangrove vegetation, the main representative of which is the gray mangrove. The outer fringe of the islet rests on a relatively greasy and sticky muddy substrate.
The fauna is mainly made up of Anolis lizards, and several local crab species (krab cé my fault, krab tè, mantou). The zenaida dove is the most common bird.
Îlet du Céron is managed by the Institut National des Forêts (National Institute of Forests).