Ilet La Grotte

Îlet La Grotte is an islet located off the Atlantic coast in the bay of the commune of Le Robert. It is also known as îlet Ragot. It is elongated and conical to the south. It has a surface area of 5.7 hectares and rises 38 meters above sea level.

It has both hyaloclastite and massive flow facies. The islet is part of the Vauclin-Pitault submarine volcanic chain, the initial François-Robert episode dating from the Middle Miocene.

In order to guarantee the biological balance of the environment, as well as the conservation of the areas necessary for the feeding, reproduction, resting and survival of protected plant and animal species, a biotope protection zone has been in place over the entire Îlet La Grotte since October 2002.

The islet is striking for its heterogeneous plant structure.

Since July 28, 2007, this islet has been listed as an "site inscrit" (registered site) by ministerial decree.

The vegetation on the islet is very heterogeneous and discontinuous. It is a mixture of natural pioneer flora and a particular anthropophilous flora. Fustic trees (Maclura tinctora), a rare plant species in Martinique, can be found here.

Îlet La Grotte is also home to a rich fauna, including Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola), Purple-throated carib (Eulampis jugularis), Stolid flycatcher (Myiarchus stolidus), Spectacled thrush (Turdus nudigenis), Black-whiskered vireos (Vireo altiloquus) and Zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita).

It is possible to visit it. Tour operators offer visits to all the islets in the commune of Le Robert, including this one.