The botanical garden of Carbet "Habitation Latouche" is one of the oldest habitation of Martinique. Founded in 1643, it extended at this period over an area of 15 hectares. For over two centuries, successive productions were cultivated there like sugar, rum, cocoa, tobacco, pottery, etc...
Although Habitation Latouche was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Pelee but many remains of its buildings are still present as the house, the cassava factory, the indigo factory, sugar factory, aqueduct, etc..
Creator of the famous Jardin de Balata in Fort-de-France, Jean-Philippe Thoze also made this site a unique sublimated place by its botanical compositions. His work as a natural colourist has once again expressed in another natural "theater" totally new and different. This time he bet on the colored masses playing on the remains of the site, using the backdrop of water plants. He built the Habitation of Captain Latouche with dried plants, cactus, lotus, etc...