Cap 110 is a memorial erected in memory of slavery. It was built at Anse Caffard during the sesquicentennial of the abolition of slavery in 1998 by Laurent Valere, a painter and sculptor of Martinique. The choice of Anse Caffard is not trivial.
This is indeed the edge of the Anse Caffard (which owes its name to Jean Caffard a colon) a ship carrying 300 slaves ran aground in a storm on the rocks of the coast on the night of April 8, 1830. Now at that time, the slave trade was illegal since 1817. The boat was completely destroyed what prevented him from knowing his name and find its source. Only six bodies were recovered.
The bodies of the sailors were buried in the cemetery and those slaves were buried near the shore. 86 slaves, 26 men and 60 women were rescued from the wreck and transferred to Fort-de-France.
The 15 busts were built of reinforced concrete and bleached with sand of Trinidad and Tobago. Their weight is about 4 tons to a height of 2.5 meters. All represent the same face bent in the meaning, worn, distressed, downcast eyes to the earth and the sea. They are the anonymous victims of processed trade, the slave trade, which lasted three centuries (17th to 19th century ) between Europe, Africa and the Americas.
The 15 busts of white concrete have different symbolics. The white symbolizes mourning in the Caribbean. The triangular shape is the triangular trade between Europe, Africa and the Americas, orientation heading 110° East, the Gulf of Guinea where the boat would likely come. The memorial is located in front of Rocher du Diamant.